Thaddeus Ong's Project Portfolio Page

Project: [Ba]king [Br]ead


[Ba]king [Br]ead is a desktop inventory and recipe book management application that allows users to add ingredients and view recipes. The user interacts with it through a CLI. The GUI is implemented using JavaFX and the project is written in Java.

Enhancements implemented

  • Feature: Adding Recipes

    • Allows the user to add their own recipes to the recipe book component
    • Justification: This feature is necessary for the recipe book.
    • This feature was the most complex command to implement since it requires several lines of input from the user, as well as disabling other commands whilst a recipe is being added.
  • Feature: Unit compatibility

    • Allows the user to add ingredients of a different unit to the existing stock, and combine the quantities correctly
    • Justification: This feature makes adding ingredients to stock much smoother, since users do not need to do unit conversions by themselves, rather the application does it for them.
  • Enhancement Designed model of the app

Contribution to team-based tasks**

  • Push user story issues onto GitHub.

Contributions to Developer Guide

  • Did write up for add recipes feature.
  • Added activity diagram for add recipes feature.

Contributions to User Guide

  • Wrote initial draft of all key user features for version 1.2
  • Added add recipe feature.