[Ba]king [Br]ead User Guide

Welcome new bakers! If you're feeling overwhelmed by the chaos of baking, fret not because [Ba]king [Br]ead is here to save the day! We're here to help you manage the overwhelming number of ingredients in your kitchen and the endless recipes you have stored, making your baking experience a lot smoother!

[Ba]king [Br]ead will help you to:

  1. Keep track of all your baking ingredients in your kitchen
  2. Collate all your recipes digitally for easy viewing
  3. Achieve maximum efficiency

Our application's command-line interface, coupled with your fast fingers, makes baking a whole lot more seamless and relaxing!

Long gone are the days when you have to rummage through your cupboards to see what you have. Now with [Ba]king [Br]ead, you will never forget what ingredient you need to stock up on during your next trip to the supermarket. And now, you will never have to flip through endless heavy physical recipe books just to find a recipe you like.

So, what are you waiting for? Master [Ba]king [Br]ead and fast-track your baking journey now!

Using this Guide

This user guide contains all the information you will need in order to use [Ba]king [Br]ead. For new users, this document will also guide you in using the application, starting with the more essential features.

For new users:

  • Start using [Ba]king [Br]ead by heading over to the Quick Start to learn how to set up the app and use it.

For experienced users:

Listed below are the definitions of the terminology used throughout the User Guide

Term Definition
GUI (Graphical User Interface) The visual interface of [Ba]king [Br]ead
Command A set of words that execute a certain operation
Parameter Key information that a user specifies in a command
UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier) A unique number that is used to identify the recipes
Case-insensitive Parameters are not treated differently if they are in capitals or lower-case text. Eg. MILK is the same as milk

Do also take note of the following highlighted information panels as we will be using this throughout the User Guide.

Note: Used to highlight essential information

Tip: Used to highlight helpful tips

Caution: Used to highlight errors to look out for

Table of Contents

Quick start

New to [Ba]king [Br]ead? Not to worry, simply follow the instructions below to get started!

Setting up [Ba]king [Br]ead

  1. Ensure you have Java 11 or above installed in your Computer.

  2. Download the latest bakingbread.jar from here.

  3. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for [Ba]king [Br]ead.

  4. Double-click on the jar and a GUI similar to the one below should appear in a few seconds. If this does not work for you, check the FAQ

  5. Some sample data has been preloaded into the application


The GUI may be confusing if you are a first time user of our application. Here is the breakdown of the GUI for [Ba]king [Br]ead. Ui
Input box: This is where you will be inputting your commands.
Command result box: Where the application will return a message regarding the outcome of command inputted.
Ingredients list: Contain a list view of all your ingredients with their specified quantity and unit.
Recipe list: Contains a list view of all your recipes.


Adding your first ingredient

Time to add your first ingredient! Take any ingredient from your kitchen, weigh the quantity of that ingredient and let's get started!

  1. Suppose that you want to record 100 grams of flour. Type in the command into the application's input box as shown below.

  2. Press enter to execute the command.
  3. You should see the ingredient added into your ingredient list as seen below. Hooray! You have added your first ingredient!

Adding your first recipe

Recipe adding is a little more complicated! But don't worry, you will get the hang of it in no time! Refer to the infographic below for step-by-step instructions on adding your first recipe.

Addrecipe Instructions Addrecipe Instructions

And there you have it, your first recipe added to [Ba]king [Br]ead!

If you are stuck at any point, typing help and pressing Enter will open the help window to guide you along.

Refer to the Features below for details of the other commands available!


Notes about the command format:

  • Words in UPPER_CASE are the parameters to be supplied by the user.
    e.g. in add n/NAME, NAME is a parameter which can be specified, like so:
    add n/Milk.

  • Items with ​ after them can be used multiple times including zero times.
    e.g. [NAME]…​ can be used as (i.e. 0 times), milk, milk flour etc.

  • Parameters can be in any order.
    e.g. if the command specifies n/NAME q/QUANTITY, q/QUANTITY n/NAME is also acceptable.

  • Parameters are case-insensitive. e.g. A parameter specified as n/Milk is functionally identical to n/MILK or n/milk.

  • Extraneous parameters for commands that do not require parameters (such as help, exit , list and clear) will be ignored.
    e.g. if the command specifies help 123, it will be interpreted as help.

List of parameter types:

Parameter Description Constraints Valid examples Invalid examples
n/ Name of the ingredient Alphanumeric characters (a to z, A to Z, 0 to 9) Flour, Chocolate Chip Chocolate-Chip
q/ Quantity of the ingredient Must be numeric and more than 0 1000, 1, 200 -100, hundred, 0
u/ Unit used to measure the ingredient Must be one of the supported units GRAM, KILOGRAM, PIECE ML, L, TSP
i/ UUID of recipe UUID must be at least 1 1, 2, 3 0, -1, 0.1

Supported Units:

Unit Alias
GRAM g, gram, GRAM
PIECE pc, pcs, piece, pieces, PIECE, PIECES

Viewing help : help

If you are not sure how to use [Ba]king [Br]ead, this command will show a pop-up with a link to access the help page.

Format: help

Adding an ingredient: add

Adds an ingredient to the stock.

Format: add n/NAME q/QUANTITY u/UNIT

  • If there is some of the specified ingredient already in the stock, using this command will combine the newly added quantity with the existing quantity.


  • Unit specified must be supported.
  • Quantity must be a positive number.
  • When adding an ingredient that is already in the stock, the unit conversion must be possible. For example, if the unit of the ingredient which is already in the stock is in GRAM/KILOGRAM, you cannot add the same ingredient in terms of PIECE.
    For example, if the ingredient in the stock is 100 grams of Flour, add n/flour q/50 u/PIECE would throw an error.


  • add n/Flour q/1 u/kg adds 1kg of Flour to the stock.
  • add n/Milk q/600 u/g adds 600g of Milk to the stock.

Example Used: add n/Flour q/1 u/kg Note: Sample started with 3kg of Flour in the stock.

Example Used: add n/Milk q/600 u/g Note: Sample did not have any Milk in the stock.

Using up ingredients : use

Depletes a specified quantity of an ingredient from the stock.

Format: use n/NAME [q/QUANTITY] [u/UNIT]

  • If no quantity and unit is specified, the entire stock of the specified ingredient will be depleted.
  • If the quantity depleted exceeds the current quantity in stock, the entire stock will be depleted but will not go into the negative.
  • Note that the specified name must be exact. As such, use n/butters will not work if the ingredient list contains butter.


  • Unit specified must be supported.
  • The quantity provided must be more than 0.
  • When specifying the quantity, the unit conversion must be possible. If the unit of the ingredient that is in the stock is in GRAM/KILOGRAM, the use command cannot specify PIECE for using that specific ingredient, and vice versa. For example, if the ingredient in the stock is 100g of Flour, use n/flour q/50 u/PIECE would throw an error.
  • When using up an ingredient, an error will be shown if the user inputs only the quantity or only the unit. Either both the unit and quantity must be specified, or neither.


  • use n/Milk q/600 u/g Depletes the current quantity of milk by 600g.
  • use n/Egg Fully depletes the current quantity of egg.

Example Used: use n/Milk q/600 u/g Note: Sample started with 1kg of Milk in the stock.

If you try to use an ingredient which is not in the stock, the error message "Ingredient does not exist in Inventory" will appear. Only ingredients already in the stock can be specified when using this command.

Finding the quantity of an ingredient by name: stock

Filters the list of ingredients to only the specified ingredient(s).

Format: stock [NAME]…​

  • Multiple ingredients can be specified e.g. stock Flour Butter will list the quantities of both ingredients.
  • If no ingredients are specified, the quantity of all ingredients will be listed.
  • Only full words will be matched e.g. Flou will not match Flour.
  • For ingredients with names comprising multiple words, any ingredient that contains the specified word will also be listed.
    e.g. stock butter will display both butter and butter stick.
  • When no names are specified, all ingredients will be displayed.


  • stock Butter will show the Butter ingredient in the list.
  • stock Butter flour will show both the Butter and Flour ingredient in the list.
  • stock lists all ingredients.

Example used: stock butter

Clearing all ingredients from ingredient stock : clear

Clears all ingredients from the ingredient stock.

Format: clear

Example used: clear

Listing all Recipes : list

Lists all recipes that are currently stored in [Ba]king [Br]ead.

Format: list

Example Used: list

Viewing Specific Recipes : view

Views a specific recipe in [Ba]king [Br]ead.

Format: view UUID

  • UUID must be an integer greater than or equal to 1.
  • To toggle back to listing all recipes, use the list command.


  • view 1 views the recipe with UUID of 1.
  • view 21 views the recipe with UUID of 21.

Example Used: view 1

Note: Only recipes that are currently in the recipe list can be viewed.

Adding Recipes : addrecipe

Adds a new recipe to the recipe book. Each line in this command should be entered one by one.


steps start
1. STEP 1
2. STEP 2
complete recipe
  • Name of Recipe needs to be of Alphanumeric format.
  • Ingredients specified must be of the format (NAME) (QUANTITY)(UNIT), such as flour 100g.
  • The quantity of the ingredient must be positive and the unit must be supported.
  • For the recipe steps, the format to follow is (STEP_NUMBER). (STEP) such as 1. Mix Water and Flour.
  • For the recipe steps, you should input the appropriate step number at each step, or the order of the steps may be incorrect in the completed recipe.

Note: There is no error message when inputting negative quantities for ingredients. As such, it is up to the user to ensure that a positive quantity is specified.


Water 100g
Flour 1kg
steps start
1. Mix Water and Flour
2. Bake at 180C
complete recipe
When encountering the error message `Failed to add ingredient`, ensure that the ingredient specified follows the following format **exactly** : `(NAME) (QUANTITY)(UNIT)` Example: `Milk 100g`
When encountering the error message `Failed to add step`, ensure that the index(A whole number) has been specified been in before keying in the step itself
**Caution:** As this function relies heavily on the user's input, please do check that your input is of the correct format.

Modifying Recipes : modify

Modifies the ingredients in a recipe.

Format: modify i/UUID n/NAME q/QUANTITY u/UNIT

  • UUID must be an integer greater than or equal to 1.
  • The quantity provided must be more than 0.
  • The unit used must be supported.


  • Assuming flour is used in the recipe, modify i/1 n/Flour q/100 u/g modifies the Flour ingredient in the recipe to 100 grams of flour.
  • Assuming flour is not used in the recipe, modify i/1 n/Flour q/100 u/g adds the 100 grams of the Flour ingredient to the recipe.

Example Used: modify i/1 n/Flour q/100 u/g

Note: Recipe being modified has 200g of flour as part of the ingredient list

Example Used: modify i/1 n/Cream q/100 u/g Note: Recipe being modified does not have cream in its ingredient list

Note: Only recipes that are currently in the recipe list can be modified.

Note: After a recipe has been modified, it will be pushed to the bottom of the recipe list.

Deleting Recipes : delete

Deletes a specific recipe from [Ba]king [Br]ead when you longer need it.

Format: delete UUID

  • UUID must be an integer greater than or equal to 1.
  • UUID should match one of the UUIDs of the existing recipes.


  • delete 1 deletes the recipe with UUID of 1.
  • delete 21 deletes the recipe with UUID of 21.

Note: Only recipes that are currently in the recipe list can be deleted.

Searches for recipes that include a specific ingredient.

Format: search NAME

  • NAME cannot be empty.
  • NAME is case-insensitive.
  • If none of the recipes contain that ingredient, an empty recipe list will be displayed instead.
  • For ingredients with multiple words, NAME must be an exact match. As such, search chocolate will not display recipes that contain chocolate chips.


  • search flour searches for all recipes that use flour
  • search butter searches for all recipes that use butter

Example used: search flour Note: Multiple recipes use the ingredient flour

Example used: search blueberry Note: Only one recipe uses the ingredient blueberry

Exiting the program : exit

Exits the program.

Format: exit

Saving the data

Inventory and Recipe data are saved in the hard disk automatically after any command that changes the data. There is no need to save manually.

Note: When the application loads for the first time and no command is run, no inventory or recipe data will be saved.

Editing the data file

Inventory data are saved automatically as a JSON file [JAR file location]/data/inventory.json. Advanced users are welcome to update data directly by editing that data file.

Caution: If your changes to the data file makes its format invalid, all data will be discarded and you will start with an empty data file the next run. Hence, it is recommended to take a backup of the file before editing it.

Common Possible Errors

Error Message What to do
Unknown command Ensure that the command specified is one of the commands mentioned within this document
Invalid Command Format Ensure that all parameters have specified and that none are left empty
Names should only contain alphanumeric characters and spaces, and it should not be blank Ensure that only letters and numbers are used for names
Quantity has to be positive Ensure that the quantity value specified is greater than 0
There is no recipe with the recipe UUID provided in the recipe book Check the UUID of recipe attempting to use and ensure that it is correct
The recipe UUID provided is invalid Ensure that the UUID you have entered is valid (ie. it is a positive integer)


Q: How do I transfer my data to another Computer?
A: Install the app in the other computer and overwrite the empty data file it creates with the file that contains the data of your previous [Ba]king [Br]ead home folder.

Q: The application does not run when I double-click it!
A: First, check if you have Java 11 installed in your computer. If you do and still have issues, try this: Open a command terminal, cd into the folder you put the jar file in, and use the java -jar bakingbread.jar command to run the application.

Command summary

Note: For AddRecipe, each command is to be run line by line.

Action Format, Examples
e.g., add n/milk q/600 u/g
Clear clear
Use use n/NAME [q/QUANTITY] [u/UNIT]
e.g., use n/milk q/200 u/g
Stock stock [NAME]…​
e.g., stock milk egg
List list
View view UUID
e.g., view 1
AddRecipe addrecipe
steps start
1. STEP 1
complete recipe
e.g., addrecipe
Water 100g
Flour 1kg
steps start
1. Mix Water with Flour
complete recipe
Delete delete UUID
e.g., delete 1
Search search NAME
e.g., search flour
Modify modify i/UUID n/NAME q/QUANTITY u/UNIT
e.g., modify i/1 n/Flour q/100 u/g
Help help
Exit exit