Seah Zi Xiang's Project Portfolio Page
Project: [Ba]king [Br]ead
[Ba]king [Br]ead is a desktop inventory and recipe book management application that allows users to add ingredients and view
recipes. The user interacts with it through a CLI. The GUI is implemented using JavaFX and the project is written in Java.
Given below are my contributions to the project.
- New Feature: Search for recipes using a specific ingredient
- What it does: Allows the user to look for all recipes that require that specific ingredient to make.
- Justification: This feature improves the product significantly because a user can search for recipes that make use of a
specific ingredient that they want to use instead of having to scroll through the whole recipe list.
- New Feature: List out all recipes
- What it does : Displays all the recipes currently stored within the application.
- Enhancement Implemented: Adding a second window for recipe list
- Justification: As users, we would like to be able to view both the ingredients and the recipe at the same time. Dividing
the screen into two separate windows allows us to view them separately.
- Code Contribution: RepoSense link
- Contribution to team task:
- Managing of jar releases
- Updating of README and INDEX
- Managing PRs and commenting
- Contribution to UG:
- Addition of search feature write up
- Addition of list feature write up
- Updating of Command Summary Table
- Standardisation of names and formatting
- Contribution to DG:
- Implementation of the list command
- Implementation of the search command
- Addition of ListRecipeSequenceDiagram.puml
- Addition of SearchRecipeSequenceDiagram.puml
- Added section on Appendix : Planned Enhancements