Tan Tze Young's Project Portfolio Page
Project: [Ba]king [Br]ead
[Ba]king [Br]ead is a desktop inventory and recipe book management application that allows users to add ingredients and view
recipes. The user interacts with it through a CLI. The GUI is implemented using JavaFX and the project is written in Java.
Given below are my contributions to the project.
New Feature: Added the ability to view specific recipes.
- What it does: Allows the user to view a specific recipe by using the recipe's unique identifier.
- Justification: This feature is critical to the working of the product as a user needs to be able to view the steps
and ingredients in each recipe.
- Highlights: This enhancement relied on the UnqiueId class which meant that the Index class from Addressbook3 cannot
be reused. Much thought had went into considering the implementation and integration of the UniqueId class with this
Enhancement: Enhanced the UI of the app (Pull requests
- Updated the styling of the UI, which includes colour scheme, borders and fonts changes.
- Implemented the ability for the RecipeListPanel to change from listing recipes to showing a single recipe with full
details of the recipe
- Changed the icons of the app to suit the theme of baking
- Improved the layout of each individual list tile for the ingredient list tile and the recipe list tiles.
Code Contribution: RepoSense link
Contribution to UG:
- Addition of the view recipe feature.
- Updating the command summary table.
Contribution to DG:
- Set up the base format for Acknowledgements, Setting up, and Architecture sections.
- Wrote the UI section in the Architecture section.
- Added class diagram for UI component.
- Wrote the implementation for the view recipe feature.
- Added sequence diagram for the view recipe feature.
- Added the appendix on effort.
Contribution to team-based tasks
- Push user story issues onto GitHub.
- Created UI mockups for the project.
- Helped to merge and edit the demo video.