Dhruvi Ketan Rathod's Project Portfolio Page
Project: [Ba]king [Br]ead
[Ba]king [Br]ead is a desktop inventory and recipe book management application that allows users to add ingredients and view
recipes. The user interacts with it through a CLI. The GUI is implemented using JavaFX and the project is written in Java.
Given below are my contributions to the project.
New Feature: Added the ability to delete specific recipes.
- What it does: Allows the user to delete a specific recipe by using the recipe's unique identifier.
- Justification: This feature is critical to the working of the product as a user needs to be able to delete recipes
they no longer want.
- Highlights: By using the UniqueId class to identify our recipes, deletion means that the id of the recipe does not
change even when recipes that have a lower uuid are deleted.
New Feature: Added the ability to modify the ingredients of specific recipes.
- What it does: Allows the user to modify the ingredients of a recipe
- Justification: This feature is critical to the working of the product as a user might want to adjust the quantity
and unit of measurement of an ingredient required for the recipe or a user might want to add more ingredients to the
list of ingredients needed for that recipe.
- Implemented the parsers for the commands used for the ingredient list (AddCommand, AddCommandParser, StockCommand,
StockCommandParser, UseCommand, UseCommandParser, ListCommand).
Code Contribution: RepoSense link
Contribution to UG:
- Addition of the delete and modify recipe feature.
- Updating of documentation of certain restrictions of the different commands
- Updating of the description of the app
- Updating of the description of the UI
- Updating of Command Summary Table
Contribution to DG:
- Wrote the base documentation for the target user profile, value proposition and user stories
- Wrote the use cases for many of the key ingredient commands as well as modify and delete
- Wrote the implementation for the delete recipe feature
- Addition of sequence diagram for the delete recipe feature
- Wrote the implementation for the modify recipe feature
- Addition of sequence diagram for the modify recipe feature
Contribution to team-based tasks
- Helped merge and review other team members' code
- General updates to the UG and DG